24 maart 2017: Digital History workshop – Interrogating Our Tools

Are historians sufficiently aware of the impact of digitization on the historical methodology and the position of the historian in the changing professional environment? The ‘Interrogating Our Tools – Digital History Workshop’ will bring experts in the field of Digital History together in order to examine the historian’s comprehension of the way in which digital tools influence his/her work.

The goal of the workshop is to come to an agreement both regarding the challenges that digitization poses on historians and their methodology, as well as the consequences of Digital History within the historical profession. This will be accomplished by discussing the way in which digital tools will/can be incorporated into standard academic practices of research and teaching. We would like to welcome teachers of Methods & Techniques courses, PhD students, and interested colleagues from the field of Computer Science to join us in a plenary lecture by prof. dr. Andreas Fickers (Digital History LAB, University of Luxembourg), followed by three workshops in which digital tools will be unpacked. This workshop is initiated by the KNHG working group for Professional Ethics and organized in collaboration with VU University, Huygens ING and Centre for Contemporary and Digital History Luxembourg.

Key Issues

  • To what extent do historians control the digital infrastructure by determining which sources are made available, searchable, linked, and analyzable: which power relations play a role in the process of the digitization of accessible sources about the past?
  • What impact does digitization have on the historic narrative and the interaction between the historian and his/her audience?
  • How are these developments present in the academic Methods and Techniques education? How can we ensure that students engage with the ‘unpresented sides’ of the digital historical tools and databases that they use? What kind of knowledge and practice is to be expected from the next generation of historians?

Free entrance, please sign up before March 20th via info@knhg.nl.

All participants are expected to bring their own laptop/tablet, make sure that your device can connect to Eduroam


Opening lecture:

Andreas Fickers, Director Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History

Discussion of pressing questions and issues regarding digital hermeneutics: front end/back end; qualitative/quantitative; inter-language; shared authority; user illusions.
9:00 – 10:30        Room 9A-16

Putting Our Tools on the Table – Workshop 1
The case of HistoGraph
Workshop by: Marten Düring (University of Luxembourg)
10:40 – 11:30     Room 9A-24

Putting Our Tools on the Table – Workshop 2
The case of BiographyNet
Workshop by: Niels Ockeloen (VU), Susan Legêne (VU)
10:40 – 11:30     Room 9A-32

Interchange – the same workshops will be repeated by the other group
11:40 – 12:30

DIVE Workshop
Intertain LAB, maximum of 12 participants
Workshop by: Victor de Boer (VU) and Oana Inel (VU)
12:45 – 13:30     W&N Building

In collaboration with:


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