In 2020 organiseerde het KNHG een Digitaal Jaarcongres met als titel Meer dan Menselijk Verleden: Historici, Eco-geschiedenis en Environmental Humanities. In dit leesdossier vindt u allerlei artikelen, boeken, interviews, themanummers, papers, onderzoeksprojecten en blogs die in het teken staan van dit thema.
Al in 1988 publiceerde BMGN – Low Countries Historical Review (BMGN-LCHR) een themanummer over het thema water. Daarin vindt u onder meer bijdragen over de Nederlandse waterhuishouding, de historische ontwikkeling van poldermolens en gemalen, en voorbeelden van lokale waterbeheersing in vroegere tijden. Uiteraard staan ook alle boekrecensies in het teken van hetzelfde thema. Voor meer BMGN-artikelen, boekrecensies en discussies over het thema water, zoek op ‘water’ in de zoekbalk op de BMGN-website.
In 2009 werd door gastredacteur Petra van Dam, hoogleraar water- en milieugeschiedenis aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en een van de organisatoren van het Jaarcongres, in BMGN-LCHR 124:3 aandacht besteed aan het thema Water en Land.
In december 2022 verscheen een speciaal BMGN-LCHR themanummer, met Peter van Dam als gastredacteur, over de geschiedenis van duurzaamheid. In deze uitgave lieten auteurs zien hoe het ideaal van een mondiaal evenwicht tussen mens en milieu in de loop van de twintigste eeuw op uiteenlopende terreinen en op totaal verschillende manieren werd vormgegeven
Boeken, artikelen en papers
- Almeroth-Williams, Thomas, City of Beasts. How Animals shaped Georgian London (2020).
- Andrews, Kristin. 2020. The Animal Mind : An Introduction to the Philosophy of Animal Cognition. Second ed. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Bavel, B. van, Curtis, D., Dijkman, J., Hannaford, M., De Keyzer, M., Van Onacker, E., & Soens, T. (2020). Disasters and History: The Vulnerability and Resilience of Past Societies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Beinart, William en Lotte Hughes, Environment and empire (Oxford 2007).
- Bonneuil, Christophe en Jean-Baptiste Fressoz, The shock of the Anthropocene (Londen 2016).
- Brüggemann, Tirza, ‘Animal Poetry and Empathy‘, Humanities 6:2 (2017).
- Cockram, Sarah en Andrew Wells (red.), Interspecies Interaction: Animals and Humans between the Middle Ages and Modernity (London and New York 2018).
- Coetzee, John. (2016). The Lives of Animals. Princeton University Press.
- Chakrabarty, Dipesh, ‘Anthropocene Time’, History & Theory, 57.1, 2018, pp. 5-32.
- Dam, Petra van, De amfibische cultuur: een visie op watersnoodrampen (Amsterdam 2010).
- Dam, Petra van, ‘Rabbits Swimming Across Borders. Micro-Environmental Infrastructures and Macro-Environmental Change in Early Modern Holland’ in: B. G. Scott (red.), Economies and Ecologies in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Brill’s Series in the History of the Environment (Leiden 2010) 63-92.
- Degroot, Dagomar, ‘Never such weather known in these seas’: Climatic Fluctuations and the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the Seventeenth Century, 1652-1674,’ Environment and History 20 (2014) 2, 239–273. doi:10.3197/096734014X13941952681034.
- Degroot, Dagomar, The Frigid Golden Age: Climate Change, the Little Ice Age, and the Dutch Republic, 1560–1720 (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
- Ducros, Hélène, B. Rurality in Europe, 10 November 2020.
- Grove, Richard, Green Imperialism. Colonial expansion, tropical islands of Edens and the origins of environmentalism, 1600-1860 (Cambridge 1995).
- Heise, Ursula et al. (red.), The Routledge Companion to the Environmental Humanities (Routledge, 2017).
- O’Gorman, Emily et al. ‘Teaching the Environmental Humanities‘, Environmental Humanities 11:2 (2019): 427-60.
- Hoffmann, Richard An environmental history of Medieval Europe (Cambridge 2014).
- Idema, Tom. Stages of Transmutation: Science Fiction, Biology, and Environmental Posthumanism. Perspectives on the Non-human in Literature and Culture Routledge, 2019).
- Ingold, Tim. (2007). Lines : A Brief History. London: Routledge.
- Jameson, Fredric. (2005). Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions. Verso.
- Kleemann, Katrin en Oomen, Jeroen, (red). ‘Communicating the Climate: From Knowing Change to Changing Knowledge’, RCC Perspectives: Transformations in Environment and Society 2019, no. 4.
- Lieberman, Benjamin and Elizabeth Gordon. 2018. Climate Change in Human History : Prehistory to the Present. London: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
- Lindholm, K.-J. e.a. Terranova, Policy Recommendations for Sustainable Landscape Management Strategies, Whitepaper 1 (2020).
- Lintsen, Harry, Veraart, Frank, Smits, Jan Pieter en Grin, John. Well-being, sustainability and social development: The Netherlands 1850-2050. Springer Science and Business Media LLC. Page: 1-572 (2018).
- Marks, Robert China. An environmental history (London 2012).
- McNeill, John Something new under the sun. An environmental history of the twentieth century (New York 2000).
- Mostert, E. Children’s books as a historical source: flooding in 20th century dutch children’s books. Water Hist 7, 357–370 (2015).
- Murray, Les. Translations from the Natural World. Farrar, Straus and Giroux (2015).
- Oomen, Jeroen, Imagining climate engineering: Dreaming the designer climate (Londen 2020).
- Plumwood, Val. Feminism and the Mastery of Nature (London: Routledge 1993).
- Radkau, Joachim, Nature and Power. A Global History of the Environment (Cambridge 2008).
- Richards, John The unending frontier. An environmental history of the early modern world (Berkeley 2003).
- Rigby, Kate. (2015) Dancing with Disaster: Environmental Histories, Narratives, and Ethics for Perilous Times. Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press.
- Ritson, Katie, The Shifting Sands of the North Sea Lowlands: Literary and Historical Imaginaries (London 2018).
- Ritson, Katie en Astrid Bracke, ‘”Waters Rising” Special Issue‘. Green Letters: Studies in Ecocriticism 24 no. 1 (2020).
- Soens, Tim ‘Resilient societies, vulnerable people: coping with North Sea Floods before 1800’, Past and present: a journal of historical studies (2018), 143-177.
- Soens, De Bont & De Keyzer (2020). ‘At the edge of resilience: Making sense of COVID-19 from the perspective of Environmental History’, Journal for the History of Environment and Society Vol. 5
- Soens et al., Tim ‘Historic storms and the hidden value of coastal wetlands for nature-based flood defence,’ Nature sustainability (London 2020), 1-13.
- Soens et al., Tim (red), Urbanizing nature: actors and agency (dis)connecting cities and nature sinds 1500 (2019)
- Schleper, Simone Planning for the Planet: Environmental Expertise and the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, 1960–1980, Environment in History: International Perspectives (Berghahn Books, 2019).
- Steenbergh, Kristine ‘Aardlagen van antropocene verlangens. Intertekstualiteit,’ in: Jeanette Wintersons, The Stone Gods, Armada: Tijdschrift voor Wereldliteratuur, 19 (2020) 72.
- Stengers, Isabelle. The cosmopolitical proposal. In Bruno Latour & Peter Weibel (eds.), Making Things Public. MIT Press. pp. 994—1003 (2005).
- Stengers, Isabelle. ‘Another Science Is Possible!’, Demo(s). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill | Sense. doi: (2016).
- Theunissen, Bert. De Koe: het verhaal van het Nederlandse melkvee, 1900-2000 (Amsterdam: Bakker 2010).
- White, Sam, Christian Pfister en Franz Mauelshagen (red.), The Palgrave Handbook to Climate history (Londen 2017).
- White, Sam, A cold welcome. The Little Ice Age and Europe’s encounter with North America (Londen 2017).
- Wischermann, Clemens, Aline Steinbrecher and Philip Howell (red.), Animal History in the Modern City: Exploring Liminality (London, New York, Oxford, New Delhi and Sydney 2018).
Tijdschriften (open access)
Centra voor Environmental Humanities in Europa
Onderzoeksgroepen en -projecten
- Chronicling novelty. New knowledge in the Netherlands, 1500-1850.
- Climate Tipping Points.
- Diving Reflex (Because We Learned Not To Drown We Can Sing) – Art project by Femke Herregraven.
- Historians for Future.
- Moving animals: A History of Science, Media and Policy in the Twentieth Century – Geschiedenis van mens en dier: N.W.O./Maastricht University.
- Omgaan met droogte – Geschiedenis van mens, klimaat en drinkwater N.W.O/ Vrije Universiteit.
- Rural Imagination – Project which examines the role of the popular cultural imagination (film, television, literature) in rendering (in)visible the impact of globalization on rural areas in five national contexts (the UK, the US, the Netherlands, China and South Africa).
- TERRANOVA – A landscape-based analysis of energy transitions in response to the main challenges of our time, including policy recommendations for sustainable landscape management strategies. European Union Horizon 2020/ Vrije Universiteit.
- Environment & Society: contestation & governance – The research group focuses on three dimensions: the intellectual history of the environment and the climate, social contestation around environmental issues, and global governance.