Thijssen Schoute-fellowship

The Dr. C. Louise Thijssen-Schoute Stichting promotes the study of the history of ideas, especially that of the seventeenth century. The foundation helps fund scholarly publications and conferences and maintains two special chairs. With its fellowship program, the foundation, in cooperation with the Huygens Institute, aims to help young researchers further develop research in this field. One Thijssen-Schoute fellow is selected each year.

Stipend and support

The stipend is €2000 per month and is provided for a period of three months. The research should be conducted in the year 2026. The fellow will have a workplace within the Knowledge and Art Practices research group at the Huygens Institute. At the end of the fellowship, the fellow accounts to the board of the Foundation with a brief report on the course of the project and its outcomes.


The fellowship is open to advanced doctoral students and recent doctorated (PhD-defense no longer than 3 years ago at the time of application).

Application procedure

An application (in PDF) should include the following information:

– Name and mailing address;

– A recent CV, with publication list;

– Mention of 2 referees willing to advise the selection committee upon request;

– A brief research plan (maximum 1,000 words) in Dutch or English, explaining research question, method and source selection, planning and intended results;

– In which period in 2026 the research could be carried out.

Selection procedure

The selection committee consists of members of the board of the Dr. C. Louise Thijssen-Schoute Stichting and the department heads of the Huygens Institute’s Knowledge and Art Practices research group.

Applications should be emailed to the secretary of the foundation, Nina Geerdink, by May 15, 2025:


For questions, please contact the secretary.

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