Open Access Books Network – Voices from the OA Books Community 2: Quality Assurance and Transparency

13 di
13 april 2021
The 2nd session of ‘Voices from the OA Books Community’ will discuss how a Plan S for books should address quality assurance & transparency.

About this Event

‘Voices from the Open Access Books Community’ is a series of discussion-based events that bring together as many members of the OA books community as possible to analyse different areas of policy for Open Access books. These discussions will feed into a policy document that will be created by SPARC Europe, and presented to cOAlition S as they consider a Plan S for books.

This second session will discuss how a Plan S for books should address quality assurance and transparency.

Join via this link:

These events are free and open to anyone interested in Open Access book publishing. Please share the details with anyone you think would be interested: we are keen to include as many members of the Open Access books community as possible.

More information about the series and the other sessions are available via this webpage and via this blog post. For more information about the Open Access Books Network, visit their website.

Contact the organisers with any questions at

We look forward to seeing you!

Register here

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