Online conference | Free speech, religion and political culture in northern Europe, 1400-1750

13 di
13 april 2021

On 13, 14, and 15 April, Alasdair Raffe (University of Edinburgh) and Martine Veldhuizen (Utrecht University) organise an online conference on the topic of free speech between 1400 and 1750.

Freedom of speech

This workshop explores aspects of ‘freedom of speech’ in late medieval and early modern northern Europe. Freedom of speech was by no means a fundamental right in the late middle ages and early modern period, and yet expressions of critical opinions towards power were always possible and often widespread. They could be uttered verbally, through the spoken or written word, but also through other sign systems and media, ranging from the sound of musical instruments to heraldic languages. Papers will assess instances of free speech in historical and literary contexts, and trace the consequences of speaking up for an opinion.

Start date and time 13 April 2021 – 16:00

End date and time 15 April 2021 – 18:00
Location Online via Edinburgh University
Entrance fee Free
Registration For a password to join the meeting, please contact Martine Veldhuizen
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