Masterclass: The Journey from Academic to General Readership with Tania Hershman

27 di
27 juni 2023

Masterclass: The Journey from Academic to General Readership with Tania Hershman

Bringing hidden histories to life

Tuesday 27/06/2023, 19:00-21:00 BST

Academics often capture fascinating glimpses of women’s lives in their research and archival work, but don’t often have the storytelling and writing tools to share the stories of and around these lives in creative, novel ways for a general audience. Come along to this free online writing masterclass with poet and writer Tania Hershman for permission to experiment as well as a host of new ideas for bringing to life these hidden histories of women for a wider readership. The masterclass is co-organised and funded by Northumbria University, inspired by feminist recovery work ongoing in its Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Studies and Scholarly Editing and Print Cultures research groups. Tania Hershman is the author of nine books of fiction and poetry, co-founder of the On This Day She history Twitter account and co-author of the accompanying book, and has a PhD in Creative Writing inspired by particle physics. (

This Masterclass is fully funded, so there is no fee to participate.

The Masterclass will be delivered via Zoom Meeting, so you can choose to have your video camera on or off. Sessions are also recorded so if you are unable to attend live, you will have access to the recording for a month afterwards.

Book masterclass!

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