Future of German History Academic Conference

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22 juni 2023
German history has been a highly innovative field, often taking the lead in the historical profession in developing new approaches, terminologies and methods. New societal challenges, however, have shifted the focus of public, political and scholarly interest towards problems that transcend national borders. Phenomena like globalization, climate change, or the crisis of liberal democracies have shaken up old paradigms and certainties that have shaped German historiography of the last two or three generations. Given these challenges, how can we write German history today, and what will the future of the field look like? This conference will discuss current research projects and explore future avenues of study.

Keynote: Helmut Walser Smith (Vanderbilt University, Nashville) will hold the keynote speech on “The Tocquevillian Moment: When Germans became the better Historians, 1945-2000”.

Download programme here.

Register online (deadline: June 19)

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