Call for Papers| Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference (ABDD11)

On behalf of the Scientific and Organizing Committee, we are very pleased to invite you to attend the eleventh edition of “Dying and Death in 18th-21st Century Europe, International Conference” (ABDD11), which will take place, as always, at the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Romania, between 26th and 28th September 2019.

With its unique friendly atmosphere, our interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary conference offers an excellent opportunity for academics, experts and practitioners from diverse fields such as history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, medicine, literary studies, theology, or architecture to network and to share knowledge, experiences and research findings on a variety of themes concerning death and dying, such as the followings:

  • challenges of grieving in a digital age
  • old and contemporary meanings of the ‘good’ death
  • ageing well, dying well and their reverses
  • death, dying and the postmodern search for meaning
  • the great equaliser and the socioeconomic inequalities in dying
  • death and dying within the entertainment industry
  • dreaming, theorising and designing immortality today
  • the rise of the undead in movies and game industry
  • the art and rituals of photographing the dead nowadays
  • (not so) changing attitudes towards death
  • new theories and ideologies of death
  • cultural memory and the landscapes of death
  • death anxiety and the promises of new age movement
  • the dying brain: mind, identity, agency
  • medicalization and de-medicalization of death
  • suicide and capital punishment in times of ‘happiology’
  • enduring ethical challenges of organ donation
  • personal narratives of death and dying

Those interested are invited to submit a proposal of roughly 250-300 words, followed by 3-5 key-words, no later than August 18, 2019 to both and Please include also a short bio of yourself, indicating your academic title/affiliation, research interests, significant publications etc. Authors will be notified of the abstract acceptance by August 25, 2019.

Selected papers could be considered for publication in a collective volume or in an international journal.

As our tradition demands, the karaoke show will be part of this edition too.

You will find more details here:

Contact Info: Adriana Teodorescu, Associate Lecturer, Babeș-Bolyai University

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