19e eeuw

Ghent, 23/11/2018 We invite contributions to a study day intending to examine…

10 april 2018

Themamiddag Commissie voor Taal- en Letterkunde: Lang leve de vaderlandse taal en cultuur!?

Op vrijdag 20 april aanstaande vindt in de Vossiuszaal van de UB Leiden een themamiddag van de Commissie voor Taal- en…

9 april 2018

Post-Doc Researcher Twisted development: Failed attempts to create export textile production in Sub-Saharan Africa, ca. 1810-1990 (deadline 15 May 2018))

Position The Department of History and Art History seeks to appoint a Post-Doc Researcher for the project “Race to the…

9 april 2018

PhD candidate Different pathways towards industrialized societies: textile production in the US and Japan, 1750-1990 (deadline 15 May 2018)

Position The Department of History and Art History seeks to appoint a PhD candidate for the project “Race to the bottom? Family…

9 april 2018

PhD candidate Industrialization and household textile production in the UK and China: a diachronic comparison, 1750-1990 (deadline 15 May 2018)

Position The Department of History and Art History seeks to appoint a PhD candidate for the project “Race to the…

9 april 2018

Post-Doc Researcher Patterns of trade. Textile wage rates, international flows of textiles, and tariff policies, ca. 1750-1990 (deadline 15 May 2018)

Position The Department of History and Art History seeks to appoint a Post-Doc Researcher for the project “Race to the…

20 februari 2018

USNA – Assistent professor Western European History – 18th and 19th Century (deadline March 19, 2018)

The Department of History at the United States Naval Academy is seeking applicants to fill a tenure track position at…

20 februari 2018

Symposium en Boekpresentatie: Een kabinet vol kleur

Op donderdagmiddag 15 maart komt het boek boek Een Kabinet vol Kleur: De collectie schildersmaterialen van de Amsterdamse verfhandelaar Michiel…

30 januari 2018

Call for Papers: Psychiatry in the 19th and 20th centuries from a transnational perspective

(Luxembourg, 21-22 November 2018; Deadline: 22 June 2018) In recent years the buzzword in historical research has been “transnational history”.…

5 december 2017

Promotie Wim van Schaik – In de maat en uit de pas. Utrechtse dorpsbesturen 1780-1830

In zijn proefschrift over Utrechtse dorpsbesturen, concludeert Wim van Schaik dat lokale Utrechtse besturen er opmerkelijk goed in slaagden hun…

1 december 2017

7-8 December 2017: Territorial Governance and State Representatives in the Long 19th Century. Circulation of Knowledge, Models and Men

Throughout Europe, the 19th century saw the growth and modernisation of many levels of administration. The state-building process frequently led…

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