Holocaust and Genocide Studies Conference

21 woe
21 oktober 2020

The Fourteenth Biennial



OCTOBER 21-23, 2020

Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Our conference always solicits individual papers, presentations, performances, and panel proposals on all aspects of both Holocaust and Genocide Studies. The featured Holocaust topic for our 2020 Conference is America and the Holocaust. The featured Genocide topic is Hate of all kinds.

We invite individual paper and panel proposals by scholars, academic researchers, advanced graduate students, and independent scholars from all disciplines. No workshops will be included in the conference, but we will consider proposals for performances.  The conference does not provide funding support.

This year’s featured speakers include:

Gerhard L. Weinberg

Richard Libowitz

Kenneth Stern

The theme of America and the Holocaust arises from our concern about the increasingly strident expressions of multiple forms of hatred in the United States. Narratives of American exceptionalism hold that the United States has occupied a special role in the world as a beacon of democracy and pluralism.  However, the current American political climate, with its dog-whistle appeals to white nationalism and its retreat from the global community of nations, suggests that the United States shares in the global resurgence of right-wing nationalist movements alongside Great Britain, Hungary, Brazil, Turkey, Bolivia, and others.

The theme of Hate casts a deliberately wide net, inviting scholars of multiple disciplines, fields, periods, and regions to consider the relationships among multiple forms of hatred (antisemitism, racism, misogyny, anti-LGBTQ+, xenophobia, etc.) and genocidal violence throughout the world today.  Although we are particularly interested in papers that link our two themes, we enthustiastically solicit papers that focus on hate in any region of the world.

TO APPLY: Please send an individual paper or panel proposal and a vita of no more than 200 words to the email address below. Panels should consist of 2-3 presenters and a moderator and must include a vita for each participant. Please also indicate whether you would be willing to participate in a roundtable on your paper topic or its general theme.

Send Email submissions to: hologen.conference@mtsu.edu

The Deadline for all submissions is March 16, 2020.  Acceptance decisions will be made by May 1, 2020

Please indicate if you are unable to present on Friday afternoon or Saturday due to religious observance.  Although we will attempt to honor serious requests, we cannot re-arrange the program to accommodate a single paper.

MTSU is located in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, approximately 35 miles southeast of Nashville.

Contact Email:


Contact Info:

Ashley Riley Sousa



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