Amsterdam Yiddish Symposium 14: Yiddish Knights

23 do
23 januari 2020

Yiddish literature is a Jewish literature. It is also a European literature and its literary materials and forms reflect contacts with Jewish and non-Jewish cultures. It is therefore not surprising that we find Yiddish texts about knights from the Middle Ages and early modern period. In the specialist lectures at this symposium, which will all be presented in English, we encounter epic poems and romances resulting from contact with Hebrew (biblical, midrashic), German and Italian literatures.

Het Menasseh ben Israel Instituut organiseert, in samenwerking met de Abteilung für Jiddische Kultur, Sprache und Literatur at the Heinrich Heine Universität, Düsseldorf, voor de veertiende maal het Amsterdam Yiddish Symposium met de volgende lezingen:

Dr. Oren Roman (Haifa University): Chivalric scenes in Yiddish retellings of the Books of the Former Prophets

Prof. Dr. Astrid Lembke (Freie Universität Berlin): When may a knight choose not to act? Differing concepts of valor, love, and gender roles in a Middle High German romance and in its Yiddish adaptation

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Miriam Edlich-Muth (Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf): The artifice of being a medieval knight in Elye Bokher’s Bovo d’Antona

Datum:                donderdag 23 januari 2020, 13.00-17.30 uur
Plaats:                 Uilenburgersynagoge, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, Amsterdam
Kosten:                € 10,–; voor studenten en donateurs van het instituut  € 5.-
Registratie:          via email of telefonisch 020-5310325

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